Look Back at - Public Consultation Overview - 344-350 Old Brompton Road


Public Consultation Overview


Public Consultation Overview

This public consultation website was launched in late May 2020 and has been promoted widely through a series of letters to key stakeholders, two leaflet drops to 8,000 local households and a targeted social media campaign that reached an audience over 118,000 people based in the local area.

Since the website launch in May, it has been visited by approximately 4,500 visitors to learn about our proposals for 344-350 Old Brompton Road.

When we launched the website in May, this included information about the site, its context and history and introduced the principle of redevelopment to the local community. Visitors to the website were able to comment on their views of the site and the surrounding area, what they knew (or didn’t know) of the previous proposals for the site and what they liked (or did not like) about the proposals.

During the consultation period (20th July – 10th August) we received 118 validated comments from members of the public in response to the questions in the Have Your Say Section. During this period we shared the below video from our architects that explains the detail of the proposals.

This level of engagement has been incredibly encouraging for the project team and is significantly higher than could be expected through a traditional face to face public exhibition. We would again like to thank everyone that visited the website and left a comment on the proposals.

The headline figures from the online consultation are outlined below:

  • Almost two thirds of respondents (63%) were either supportive (52%) or neutral (11%) regarding the overall proposals for the redevelopment of 344-350 Old Brompton Road.
  • 61% of respondents either liked or were neutral about the design of the proposals.
  • Over 60% of respondents (62%) supported the delivery of affordable housing within the proposals, with three quarters (75%) either supportive or neutral.
  • Retail space was the most popular choice of use for the flexible spaces at ground floor (Retail 43% of responses, Community Space 31%, Workspace 20%).
  • There were a number of key themes that emerged through the public consultation exercise and our ongoing discussions with local stakeholders which we have sought to respond to in the revised proposals, where necessary:

  • The principle of development on the site has been widely accepted, with the majority of stakeholders welcoming the redevelopment of a longstanding problem site.
  • The main concern for local stakeholders is the height of the proposals and the potential impact this could have on neighbouring amenity.
  • Another key issue for stakeholders is ensuring the building design and façade reflects the local design and character of the surrounding area, including materiality.
  • There was significant support for the inclusion of affordable housing and a tenure blind approach to housing within the proposals.
  • Retail was the most popular ground floor use with stakeholders preferring boutique outlets not chains and for such non-residential uses to be located to the west of the site.
  • The inclusion of significant sustainability measures, green spaces and landscaping was welcomed , with stakeholders seeking each to be maximised where possible.
  • This engagement phase has finished

    Some people making comments


    A person happy and a comment icon
